Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Post Exam Prediction

After the exam, I wept.

I probably Am Jured the class.


Butterflyfish said...

I wept after Tax. I definitely didn't AmJur.

frillgirl said...

I say that because the worse I feel after, the better I did. I felt so bad after this test I must have done REALLY WELL. Only it just doesn't feel that way right now. I feel like a total loser for still tearing up when I think about it!!! :P

Liza Jane said...

Here's the thing though - if you didn't feel that you did well, considering the amount of work that you generally do, then everyone else probably thought it was really bad too. And since you're on a curve (you are, right?), it tends to work out in the end.

Liza Jane said...

Oh, and if the above doesn't help, try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8ABhatAfsA

HippieLawyer said...

Reading that post made me queasy. I don't even want to think about exam results right now. I worked so hard at Evidence, I felt great about it...until I opened the exam and realized that there were about 10 questions (out of 150) that were on a rule that just popped right out of my head. Blech!

Well, there is always a job waiting for me at Kmart if this whole law school thing doesn't work out. :)