Sunday, July 30, 2006

It's My Favorite Drink!

You Are an Appletini

Most of the time, you're a typical party girl / guy.

But when you get super sauced, you really up your sex appeal.

Stolen from Fox Law

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Law School is Easy

A former co-worker came by the other day to say hello to everyone. I knew that he was planning on going to law school after graduation, so I immediately hit him up about it. He rambled on about how easy it was and it was mainly kids. He told me that I would do just fine and not to worry about it. He said that as much as I studied in undergrad, this wouldn't be any worse.

Did he finish the first semester? No. Was he going full time? No. He was working full time and over the course of the semester, his job began requiring lots of travel, so he decided to quit. As he admitted, one really needs to be able to attend class and do the reading to ensure success. Also, he was travelling to really cool places and the job pays well, so law school didn't seem as important.

Did I feel any better after his visit? Nope!


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Haircuts All Around!

Haircuts for everyone! I've noticed a few posts lately mentioning trips to the salon including Frequent Citations, Cella Bellum, and Divine Angst. A week ago I too changed my hair. I wanted something that would be cute and easy to take care of during school, so that I wouldn't feel like a hideous gross-out if I didn't spend an hour blowdrying it. I'm thinking that if I have to be at work at 6am once school starts, I might want something a little less high maintenance. I've gotten lots of compliments, so I'm reasonably pleased. Mr Delictis smiled when he saw me, so that's a good thing. It's a little above chin length, shorter than I've had my hair in years and years and years.

In other news, this being the one of two kid free weekends before school starts, Mr D and I spent our time snuggling and playing lots and lots of Heroes of Might and Magic. I have a strict policy of no computer games during the semester, though, so we have to play all we can before August 9. Yikes! It's coming too quickly!

I can't believe it! I have been working on this for more than two years and now it's just about two weeks away.....

Friday, July 21, 2006

Blogger Woes

Blogger has been giving me fits. I'd go to my page and it would display code rather than the lovely blog you see now. I am moderately well versed in html and I discovered that when I edited the template, the code towards the bottom of the page was being deleted for some reason. Too bad I didn't figure that out until after I redid my links for the second time. Now I'm keeping a copy of the template on my desktop. I'll edit that and then cut and paste it each time into blogger rather than wasting my time editing only to have to redo it later.

Has anyone else had these problems and knows of another way around this besides the old-fashioned wordpad fix? This doesn't happen in Dreamweaver, so I'm somewhat at a loss.

Unfortunately, because of these incarnations I managed to lose some of those original links from the first version. If anyone has been left out, please let me know. I was actually thrilled to hear from Anastacia who wondered why she had been deleted. I really like her blog, especially since she's a fellow Houstonian and a Montrosian. I didn't realize that anyone besides Kristine had looked here. Well, her and Mr Delictis, that is. ;)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Law School Roundup

Well, well, well. I feel somewhat famous. It seems that I have already made Weekly Law School Roundup. Perhaps this is an indicator of future law school greatness.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

22 Days til Orientation

This morning I counted the days until orientation. I'm getting close to the deadline. Tomorrow will only be three weeks until school starts. I'm almost ready to get started just so that getting started can be over with!

Have I done all the things I'd hoped over the summer? No. Hardly. The summer before last I accomplished everything I wanted. I have spent my time wisely though, I believe. Mr Delictis and I gazed into one another's eyes, played Heroes of Might and Magic, laughed, loved and all of that love stuff. I love him endlessly and I would rather wile away my summer in his arms.

I have felt some redemption by reading on other blawgs that I should not spend this summer pouring over material for the upcoming school year. I had that feeling myself. Going in to a rough year drained and burned out because I studied all summer does not sound like a wise move. I've read most of DeLaney's Legal Reasoning so I have some idea how to brief a case.

One thing that I feel is necessary to finish before school starts is having my iTunes organized. When I moved my music over to my new laptop (a lovely gift from Mr D), much of my lyrics, artwork and album info disappeared. That will not do. A major source of procrastination for me is to spend ages looking up all the aforementioned information so that all my boxes are filled in iTunes. Yes, it's incredibly anal retentive. I get such a sense of satisfaction when someone happens to look at my iTunes and sees how I have ALL the artwork and ALL the lyrics for ALL my music. Right now I'm on the f's.

I'm going to try to get in the habit of updating more frequently. I get the idea that nothing exciting has happened, when in reality, nothing exciting really has to happen for me to post. I love reading the minutae of people's lives and perhaps if anyone's paying attention to this, they'll enjoy reading mine.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Law School on the Brain

I eat, live and breath law school. What will it be like? What will I be like while in it? What will my grades be like? Will I do well? Will I do poorly?

I dream about school almost every night. Last night I wore some fabulous clothes in my dreams, I might add.

I work very hard not to talk about school _all_the_time_, but it's always on my mind: paying for it, finding a job, working during it, my grades.....

It's just a little over a month before it starts.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Law School on the Horizon

It's been some time since I kept a blog, probably since I was taking web design classes. I became interested in the blogosphere once again with the onset of law school. Somewhere in the world, I mused, there must be other people hoping to attend law school. And so I discovered the "blawg."

During that time I was moving, beginning a relationship, taking the LSAT and then taking the Princeton review. Let's not forget taking 15 hours, opening an exhibit of medieval illuminated manuscripts, working and hoping to spend time with the future Mr. Delictis. Some time in all of that I had to write the dreaded personal statement and actually apply to law school.

There was no time for blogging then.

I've graduated now, summa cum laude, I might add with a double major. After almost twenty years of attending college off and on, I am quite proud of myself. I managed to be accepted into law school.

My next hurdle has been paying for law school. With my less than stellar credit, I don't qualify for private loans. A co-signer, you might say! Your parents! My parents - unwilling. Enough said. I have managed to scrape together almost all the money necessary for the first payment due on Friday. A loan from my 401K should cover the rest of the year.

That hurdle crossed, I now HAVE to do well enough this coming year to be able to transfer to my first choice school. Right now I'll be attending a private school downtown. I would rather be attending the cheaper and more prestigious school farther away from downtown. Stafford loans will then cover my financial aid needs.

There you have it, my law school story in a nutshell. It's a little over a month away from orientation and I've stressed so much that I have a rash. I can't wait to see what I'll be like once school actually begins!