It's been some time since I kept a blog, probably since I was taking web design classes. I became interested in the blogosphere once again with the onset of law school. Somewhere in the world, I mused, there must be other people hoping to attend law school. And so I discovered the "blawg."
During that time I was moving, beginning a relationship, taking the LSAT and then taking the Princeton review. Let's not forget taking 15 hours, opening an exhibit of medieval illuminated manuscripts, working and hoping to spend time with the future Mr. Delictis. Some time in all of that I had to write the dreaded personal statement and actually apply to law school.
There was no time for blogging then.
I've graduated now, summa cum laude, I might add with a double major. After almost twenty years of attending college off and on, I am quite proud of myself. I managed to be accepted into law school.
My next hurdle has been paying for law school. With my less than stellar credit, I don't qualify for private loans. A co-signer, you might say! Your parents! My parents - unwilling. Enough said. I have managed to scrape together almost all the money necessary for the first payment due on Friday. A loan from my 401K should cover the rest of the year.
That hurdle crossed, I now
HAVE to do well enough this coming year to be able to transfer to my first choice school. Right now I'll be attending a private school downtown. I would rather be attending the cheaper and more prestigious school farther away from downtown. Stafford loans will then cover my financial aid needs.
There you have it, my law school story in a nutshell. It's a little over a month away from orientation and I've stressed so much that I have a rash. I can't wait to see what I'll be like once school actually begins!